Terms of service.

This website is created and maintained by Your Very Own Athletic Trainer. All content on this website is original unless otherwise indicated and subject to copyright laws.

By using Your Very Own Athletic Trainer, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions.

This website is for informational and educational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice and does not establish any patient relationship. Your Very Own Athletic Trainer is not liable or responsible for any damages from or related to your use of this information. Information given is a generality of athletic injuries and treatments and is not meant to replace traditional medical advice. Please consult a physician for proper care.

Any sharing of content should be given proper credit and shared from the original source. No screenshot of content is permitted.

Any contact information collected, including email addresses, will be kept private and never sold. The information may be stored in a third-party site. Your Very Own Athletic Trainer is not liable for third-party management of that information.

Information and education provided is not and should not be considered medical advice. Personal situations can not be addressed.

Comments and questions should be respectful of other persons. No derogatory language or bullying. Comments and questions should remain on topic. Issues and concerns should be addressed via the contact form.

Content cannot not be used for commercial purposes. If you wish to use any information, including images, graphics, or videos, you must request special permission. No editing of content is permitted.

Any guest content remains the property of the content producer and is subject to copyright laws.

At the time of publication, there are no financial disclosures to disclose. This website is a hobby and there is no financial compensation. Future materials may be donated by companies or manufacturers, but at the specific request by Your Very Own Athletic Trainer for use on the website.

The terms and conditions of the website are governed by the laws of the United States of America and will be held to those laws.