What is an Athletic Trainer?

Athletic Trainers are health care professionals.

Athletic Trainers are highly qualified, healthcare professionals specifically trained in the prevention, examination, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation of medical conditions and emergent, acute and chronic injuries.

Image of an athletic trainer placing electrode pads
Graphic of services provided by Athletic Trainers
Image of a clinician doing CPR on a dummy
Image of a patient being spine boarded

Graphic of types of injuries that Athletic Trainers treat
Image of a warehouse worker with an injury
Image of a tooth injury

Graphic of employment locations of athletic trainers
Image of ballet dancers on a stage
Image of a Black Military patient using parallel bars in a therapy setting

Studies have shown that parents of athletes recognize that Athletic Trainers provide:

  • immediate care and triage injuries

  • referrals for specialized care

  • early recognition of injury and illness

  • treatment and rehabilitation of injuries

  • return-to-play oversight

Does your child have access to an Athletic Trainer if they were to suffer an injury?

Learn more about common sports injuries, as well as some tricks to help your children get back on the court or playing field safely.

An image of a man evaluating a child's knee during soccer