Learn About Sports Injuries

Keep Tommy John Away From Our Youth Athletes
A study released in 2015 reported that 57% of athletes who underwent Tommy John Surgery were between the ages of 15-19 (high school to college freshman age), indicating that pitching injuries due to overuse are a significant problem in youth sports, and are only worsened when the athlete chooses to specialize in a sport such as baseball with a sub-specialized focus of pitching. When combined with poor technique and lack of recovery, the immature elbow will eventually see damage.

What to know about Tate Rodemaker’s concussion and availability, from an athletic trainer
But I want to inform you as a parent, that what you might be hearing in the news is not necessarily always what it seems. He shouldn’t be treated any different than any youth or high school athlete with a concussion, no matter how important the game. The brain doesn’t care what level you play or how important the game is to your team, school, or alumni base.

Lightning safety in youth sports
While some locations are more prone to lightning, no place in the United States is entirely safe from lightning. It is up to each individual to be aware of their lightning safety. For young athletes, their safety from lightning should also be your responsibility as the parent, as well as the responsibility of their team and sports organization.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in a 13-year-old athlete
I found this story interesting because of all injuries that happen in youth sports, sudden cardiac arrest is still relatively rare, but has the potential for the most catastrophic outcome.

Easy Ankle Taping for Parents
I have created a video to show parents how to easily tape an ankle, with minimal supplies you can get online, that can be done when an athlete doesn’t have access to an athletic trainer or when a brace will not be sufficient.

Ankle Support After an Ankle Sprain
To use a brace or tape? A popular question without a simple answer.

Return to Play After an Ankle Sprain
In order to return to play after an ankle sprain, the athlete must be able to run and cut without a limp, and be able to pass a functional progression test. A functional progression is sport specific and should stress the demands of the sport on the injured body part, and is the last step in returning to sports after suffering an injury.

Rehab for an Ankle Sprain
The goal of rehabbing an ankle sprain is to continue to control pain and inflammation and to start to work on restoring normal motion and strength in the ankle, while continuing to protect the ligaments.

Treating an Ankle Sprain
The goal of treatment of a lateral ankle sprain is to optimize healing by protecting the injured ligaments and providing an environment that promotes healing.

Ankle Sprains in Sports
An inversion type injury is more common than an eversion injury, or when the foot turns out. Inversion injuries can happen when a basketball player comes down from a rebound and lands on the side of their foot.

Is it a Fracture or a Break?
I get the impression that some people feel that a fracture is just a crack in the bone and that a break is when the bone is completely split through.
Or even vice versa. But what is the correct answer?