Meet your very own Athletic Trainer.

Athletic Trainers are trained to manage athletic injuries in all sorts of populations and settings.

Hi, I’m Rachel!

A board-certified and licensed Athletic Trainer.

I was certified by the Board of Certification for Athletic Trainers in 2003 after finishing undergrad at the University of Evansville. I went on to receive my graduate degree from the University of Florida in 2005. I also hold certifications from National Academy of Sports Medicine in Corrective Exercise Training and Sports Performance Training. I am currently licensed to practice as an athletic trainer in Indiana.

I have worked in a number of settings with a diverse patient population during my career.

I’ve covered everything from middle school athletic events to weekly injury checks and games at a high school. I’ve worked closely with multiple teams in a NCAA Division I setting both at home and on the road. I have provided AT services at local outreach events. Currently, I work as a physician extender in a sports medicine orthopedic clinic directly with orthopedic patients and athletes of all levels.

I love watching my athletes, students, and patients succeed on the court or field and in life.

A number of my former athletes and students have gone on to play and work at the professional level and I enjoy being able to turn on my tv and watch them play and follow their successes. Others have amazing jobs or are parents now and I get to follow their lives as they have become adults. I’ve witnessed some of their lowest moments and want to celebrate their greatest wins. Occasionally, I will get a message on social media asking about this injury or that one that they think they have now and what I think they should do about it.

My favorite part of being an Athletic Trainer is educating each athlete or patient on their injury.

Making sure they understand the why. I heard a statement once that changed how I communicate with others. It was something about your ability to teach someone a topic is dependent upon your ability to reach them as they wish, not on how you wish to teach them. I’ve learned to explain the prevention and treatment of injuries and why we manage them the way we do, not how I have learned as a professional, but as a normal person can understand. My hope is that my athletes and patients truly understand what is happening to their bodies. This is what has lead me to develop this website as a tool for others to learn more about athletic injuries and the proper management of these injuries.

I’m obsessed with the Indy 500 and all things the month of May. Obsessed.

Growing up in Indianapolis, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway has always been a part of our daily lives. I would hear the cars at practice at school all month long. School would be cancelled on Carb Day to accommodate traffic. The whole city would celebrate all month long. I was able to work at the track for 3 summers during college and it prepared me for the very long days that can come as an athletic trainer. Race Day is my favorite day of the year, hands down. Peonies have become my favorite flower because they bloom in May and my mom would always have a bouquet of them for our after race family get together.

Now, tell me something about you!

It is like having your very own Athletic Trainer.

I love to educate others about sports injuries and I believe there is an audience for sports parents to learn more about athletic injuries from an expert.

Now I want to help you understand sports injuries!