Sports injuries made simple.

The go-to resource on sports injuries for parents.

Who do you turn to when your child suffers a sports injury?

Have you ever wished you had access to your very own athletic trainer?

Hi! I’m Rachel, an Athletic Trainer and an expert at sports injuries.

And I want to be Your Very Own Athletic Trainer!

Where do you turn for information about sports injuries?

There is so much misinformation on the television and internet about what injuries are and how they are managed. I want to educate you on the truth, to give you the knowledge so you can be informed about what is going on and best practices.

I love educating others about sports injuries and believe that parents should learn more about athletic injuries from an expert.

Learn more about sports injuries

Sport participation is the leading cause of injury in children and teenagers, and parents like YOU are concerned about safety while participating.

Not every athlete has access to an athletic trainer for injury prevention or management. No one there to triage sports injuries. Or make a referral to a physician. Or properly rehabilitate injuries and get them safely back to playing.

Studies have shown that proper management of sports injury allow for expedited treatment and can prevent injuries from becoming more severe.

Learn more about common sports injuries, as well as how to manage sports injuries to help your children get back on the court or playing field safely.

Learn More About Some Common Sports Injuries

Is it Fractured or Broken?

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Ankle Sprain in Sports

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Return to Play After an Ankle Sprain

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Easy Ankle Taping for Parents

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It is like having your very own Athletic Trainer.

Athletic Trainers are health care professionals who optimize activity and participation of patients and clients.

Disclaimer: This website is for informational and educational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice and does not establish any patient relationship with me. I’m not liable or responsible for any damages from or related to your use of this information. Information given is a generality of athletic injuries and treatments and is not meant to replace traditional medical advice. Please consult a physician for proper care.